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V-8's === long

To: <>
Subject: V-8's === long
From: "Fred Thomas" <>
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 07:15:05 -0400
Well this thread has certainly had a long and sometime winded run, I think
the 2 main points of Dan Masters installing a V-8 in his car have been
overlooked, 1st it's Dan Masters doing this and if anyone thinks it has not
researched to the very smallest of detail, and he checked it back over again
many times, then you certainly do not know Dan Masters, he is a very precise
professional with a very strong sense of doing everything within his own
power "RIGHT" and "RIGHT" the first time, this idea did not just pop into
Dans head, he has been researching & planning this for many years, he has
attended many street rod shows, getting parts, ideas and know-how, he is a
writer for the V-8 club, the amount of research books he has in his home
will fill 2 complete library shelves, this man knows what he is doing and
has always known what direction he was headed, and lastly it is his longtime
wish to do this and the car is his and I'm sure Dan appreciates all the
comments and help he has received on this subject and believe me I know he
knows how to drive and how to handle it at speeds, just don't ask me to
explain how I know (his wife also reads his e-mails, hi Christa). Dan enjoy
your V-8, with your braking system and may every mile be more enjoyable than
you could ever have anticipated.      "FT"

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