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aluminum TR 2-4a heads at Moss>

To: triumph mailing list <>
Subject: aluminum TR 2-4a heads at Moss>
From: Jeffrey Barteet <>
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 15:07:08 -0700 (PDT)
Hi, Folks,

All this talk of motors is making me giddy, so I went to see a friend who
works near Moss in Goleta just now, and before we went to lunch, I went
and asked to see these new fancy-shmancy aluminum heads they have begun to
list for $2200.

The combustion chamber appears to be modified to Kastner specs.  The
'shroud' area around the intake has been swept away. 

Very clean casting. The intake and exhaust ports are smooth. It has 1
1/2 inch openings at the intake manifold like the late 4a heads instead of
the 1 5/8 inch 2-4 heads.

It was made in the UK. It would be interesting to know who casts them

Oh, and it was very light as you might expect.  Didn't have a scale, but
would guesstimate 15 lbs. No grunting required to handle it. 

I wonder if VARA will allow them?  I understand they disallowed the
cross-flow heads for the MGB after people ran them for a fraction of the
season. Not sure if they allow the stock head cast in aluminum.


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