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Re: MG, BL and TR Wedge - very long

To: "John Macartney" <>, "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: MG, BL and TR Wedge - very long
From: Jeff Johnson <>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 19:37:32 -0400
At 10:39 PM 6/12/01 +0100, John Macartney wrote:
"snip- and really has nothing to do with sports
>cars of either make. It's my perception that many US listers and
>enthusiasts I have met feel that sports cars were the
>be all and end of all of BL, possibly because sports cars were mostly
>the only products from the corporation that were sold in North


You've hit the nail on the head as usual. I've not seen a Triumph Saloon in 
person in the 35 years I've been attached to Triumphs here in the US. I'm 
sure they are fine autos, it's just that I ( or more importantly-we- of the 
list ) have no experience with them.

Fine point-and well taken by yours truly.

CF50278U TR6

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