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She fires!

Subject: She fires!
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 14:20:10 EDT
Thanks to all especially over the last couple of weeks who chimed in on and 
put up with the myriad questions I had with regard to the timing issues on 
the 65 4A. After noting the driving dog was in backwards, I drilled out the 
pin and turned it 180 - the dog, not the pin. Put the distributor back in 
(this time it fig snugly and the rotor was pointing the right way), a little 
gas in the carbs, and she fired. And I mean instantly and smoothly. Startled 
me actually. What happened, you ask?
Well, way back when, when we first starting putting things together, we noted 
that the spark plug wire to the #4 cylinder was stretched really tight. So we 
figured, hey, we've got the parts car with an original distributor and wires 
that look in really good shape so let's use that.
(You're getting way ahead of me!)
Ok, right. The PO had switched the wires and the parts car wires were as 
originally set up. But we made the switch long enough ago that, when the 
timing issues came up, we didn't think of it. 
Oh, correction. I did think of it. Right after I'd drilled out the pin 
holding the driving dog on. Having gone that far, I figured what the heck, 
might as well have the wires correct. But, otherwise, believe it. I would 
have just switched the wires back. 
Anyway, I think this might be the last major hurdle. 
(Famous last words, right?)
Again, thanks to all.

65 4A

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