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Re: Time, the great leveller

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: Time, the great leveller
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2001 02:03:48 +0100
Mark Hooper wrote:
>I have to say that time has made a difference. There were these
fellows in
>their horrifyingly expensive cars and the TR6s and all happily waving
>each other as part of a club. Sounds snotty I know.

I don't think it sounds snotty at all! Remember, you were driving
Triumphs and were joined by a Ferrari. It's a pity you didn't have a
Triumph brochure with you of thirty years ago (not for a TR6) in which
the opening words were:

By definition, an elite is a numerically small group, whose
exclusivity is further
underlined by the distinction of its members...........
........... To own one assures you of a place in the power elite.

I quoted this the other day to some (IMHO) misguided soul who claimed
that elitism is passe and definitely not for the 21st century. My
reply was that if being a member of an elite means being the best, I
couldn't see anything wrong with that - for whatever reason. You carry
on waving, Mark - you never know, you might get joined by a Rolls
Royce the next time around that seeks to elevate its status.


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