On the subject of Left Lane Banditry: Time to declare
For the record, I do not advocate speeds which under
any set of circumstances may endanger the lives of
others on the highway.
The "90 mph" reference I made was originally thought
of while contemplating travel on I-75 down Florida's
west coast. Arguably quite different from a trip
through downtown Denver! Our limit is 70, average
speed closer to 80, fast lane average 85 and 90 not so
fast relative to other traffic!
I too am appalled by "raceway" type driving on our
urban highways. Usually it's the riceboys, but here
in the Tampa area it might be a rusted Chevy Pickup
with a tobacco-chewing redneck at the wheel, beer cans
falling out of the bed of the truck. (BTW, apologies
to Ford-driving rednecks who neither drink nor dip.)
Anyway, yes it's scary sometimes.
And yes, I think you misinterpreted me, that's fine,
so long as we ultimately understand one another and
our motivations when we write everything's cool!
An excellent and thoughtful post. Let's put this one
to bed though, it's been fun while it lasted :-)
Fred Marks
Brandon, FL
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