Now, if someone could point me to a similarly well written article on
switching from a generator to an alternator that is as specific as this one
My hat's off to Messrs. Reidel and Thomas.
John (what) Runge
What will they think of next?
At 11:01 AM 6/2/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>To List:
>Thanks to all of you that suggested one can do home power coating
>successfully. Also, thanks to all, especially FT for valuable hints and
>suggestions. I've put together a home system following these suggestions and
>am very satisfied with the results.
>I recently wrote an article describing the equipment required to do home
>powder coating and some simple "how to" information for the Buckeye Triumphs
>Newsletter. Last week I posted the data on the club website. To view the
>information, click on the following link to get to the website, then click
>the 'Technical" button and then click on the powder coating article.
>The data does not have a copyright so please feel free to copy it, spindle
>it, mutilate it, crap on it, or anything else you want to do to it. I
>would be happy to correct any errors that you all might find or incorporate
>any useful suggestions you might have.
>I accept no responsibility for any of the information in the article and you
>use the information at your own risk. If you do something stupid and
>hurt yourself, burn up your car, or burn your house down don't bother
>siccing your lawyer on me. I'm poor, unemployed, and my attorney is meaner
>than a junkyard dog.
>Nelson Riedel
>Granville, OH
>76 TR6 (just painted, now repairing damage from fender bender)
>68 TR250 (next project - new paint)
>70 TR6 (all the parts in a pile ready to assemble)
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