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UK TR7 carburetor/engine questions

To: Triumph List <>
Subject: UK TR7 carburetor/engine questions
From: Anthony Rhodes <>
Date: Wed, 2 May 2001 18:56:45 -0400
I recently bought a UH-spec intake manifold and carburetors with all the 
linkages.  One thing
that is not obvious to me is the vacuum pipe hook-ups.  There is a conncetion 
from the
valve cover to the carbs for crankcase ventilation.  On USA  cars the pipe also 
to the purge

What about an evaporative loss system?  Where do the carbutetor overflow hoses 
go?  To ground?
Is there a gas tank vent line?  Where does it go?  How does the evaporative 
loss system connect to the carbs?

The Haynes manual shows none of this for the UK system, and particularly none 
for a 1980 like mine.

The Rimmer catalog only shows the engine breather system.

Oh, by the way, does the UK carburetor have vacuum retard like the US system, 
or is it a 
vacuum advance?


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