>From: "Hugh Barber" <tr6nut@telocity.com>
>2. As far as the DMV "checking up" on how you use your car, don't bet on
>it. Go to any mall in California, drive around the parking lot and count
>the number of cars with expired registrations. I'll bet you find a lot of
>cars with expired tags. If the DMV and the police won't/can't do anything
>about that problem, what makes you think they will actively check on how
>are using your LBC?
To define _occasional use_ the DMV will probably have to set some maximum
distance driven per year limit, much as many insurance companies do when
insuring a vehicle as a _Classic_.
The California Vehicle code requires that any vehicle with an odometer must
have that odometer in working condition. I believe that all post war
Triumphs have an odometer.
It would be very easy for the DMV to include an odometer entry on your tag
renewal form. And if that odometer entry (when compared to the previous
years entry) indicates that the car has been driven more than some set
_occasional use_ limit the DMV could then require you to have the vehicle
smogged before issuing the new tags.
By the way, if you have any vehicles being smogged currently in California
the DMV is tracking your mileage. This information is recorded by the smog
technician and included in the data automatically sent to DMV with your smog
check results. Are they using this information for anything? I do not
know, but it would be easy to include this data requirement for ALL
renewalls, not just the ones at the smog station.
Darrell, in the High Desert of California
62 TR-4 CT 5368 LO (daily driver)
62 TR-4 CT 10440 L
62 TR-4 CT 13108 L (long term project)
65 Spit FC 51603 L
67 Spit FD 2890 L (daughters car)
77 Spit FM 62888 UC (other daily driver)
79 Spit FM 98233 UC (wifes car)
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