Along the lines of this thread. . .
I'm curious about how much trouble I'm going to have if I take a TR with weber
downdrafts to Breckenridge CO in August.
They came with the car. . . I don't know much about them.
The only things I've been able to mess with are an idle mixture screw, idle
speed adjustment and fiddling with the linkage.
The car runs OK now I guess.
What happens at 9000 feet though?
Am I going to need to take along some different jets or emulsion tubes?
Or is that too much work to do to tune a car for a week long visit to high
If I do need different jets and such . . how do I decide which ones?
>From: "Freeman, Noah" <>
>Reply-To: "Freeman, Noah" <>
>To: "''" <>
>Subject: Performance upgrades...
>Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 14:29:08 -0400
>Hello all-
>Various ebayers are selling weber DCOE carbs fit for the TR4...I like the
>idea of getting my commuter car TR4 to accelerate to 60 faster than a Yugo,
>so was considering them as a way to get more power...(but the $1.2K list
>price at moss seems like a lot for a hoser like me)
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