Well, I just received my second order from Rimmers, am placing my third today,
my fourth in the next two weeks, and my final one as soon as my 47 Plymouth
sells...Other than paint, and protective needs, and rechroming, I anticipate
having this car done very shortly. Now I just have to weld in the floor pan,
strip the rest of the body, and repair the wings where they rusted behind the
doors, oh, and reskin the doors...I keep finding body putty, but less damage
each time I find it. I should be done by the end of May- I hope to take her
to Bowie, depending on how the test runs go.
What I received today from Rimmers was of fairly decent quality, no major
complaints, although I was a little disappointed with the floor panel
replacement- first, in that it is not an exact complete reproduction of the
original- it is a cut in section repair for the bottom half. A little less
work to install, however. Also, the reinforcing contours were fairly shallow
compared to the original. But the metal was sufficiently thick to believe it
will be a good working proposition when done, and unless someone looks
underneath, invisible.
I spent about half an hour sorting through the package(one of two, the second
I am still waiting for) which arrived barely five days after placing my
order(day to confirm, day to pick/pack/ship, three to arrive, not bad at all!)
and realized how hard it can be figuring what's what sometimes, as Rimmers
often don't label items. I had a pair of rubber strips I stared at for three
minutes before realizing the were the door window lift channel seals! (I was
starting to wonder why they'd sent rubber bandages! lol!)
Anyway, once I'd checked through, I realized they'd sent, in addition to my
order, a set of the metal clips for the taillight surround trim. Not even
billed for them! I was planning to order them later, so I will mention it to
The Aeroquip brake lines are a great value- L12.31, about $18.00 each, US-
Cheaper by far than rubber lines from a US supplier! And I was very happy with
the quality of them. Also, in the area of brakes, the pedal pad replacements
are beautiful! I had been getting together good used ones, now they can go
into the spares pile.
The door handle and boot lid hinge gaskets are thick treated paper- I'd been
expecting plastic or rubber, but the price was right. All the rest of the
seals(the entire car's body seals) are very nice. Now I just have to figure
out the rear channels for the door windows.(Unavailable)
If anyone is interested, I will be posting a list of items I purchased or will
purchase, from Rimmers on my website(later) along with my review of the
quality, etc. for reference. This won't be for a little while yet, though- I
need to get this car done first!
Anyone have a good number for the Triumph Signal Red(I believe that was the
color) they used on 64 Convertibles?
64 Herald/Sports 1200 Convertible
/// triumphs@autox.team.net mailing list
triumphs-owner@autox.team.net Fri Apr 6 17:23:51 2001
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From: LaJoMor@aol.com
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 19:22:24 EDT
Subject: Re: Termite's delight
To: bwesterdale@edax.com, triumphs@autox.team.net
Content-Disposition: Inline
In a message dated 4/6/01 4:34:16 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
bwesterdale@edax.com writes:
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/aw-cgi/ebayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=576770871&;
> r=0&t=0
WOW!....just when you thought you had seen everything. Granted, it is a
marvelous piece of woodworking...incredible actually. I loved the last line
of the rather 'wordy' description..."it makes all the right noises!" Could
this be the 'original, long-long Amphicar????
Larry M
/// triumphs@autox.team.net mailing list