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Triumph update/thank you

To: "''" <>
Subject: Triumph update/thank you
From: "Freeman, Noah" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 10:22:02 -0500
Hello all-

I just wanted to post in the public forum a summary of what I have been
getting in private emails

-First, this is the most involved, coolest, most generous club I have had
the pleasure to learn about.  I have got many many many useful responses to
my questions.   This is certainly "a club that corresponds by email" rather
than "an email list."  The quality of this list and its advice is a big
boost for my decision to buy a TR4

-Secondly, Brian Sanborn rocks.  Not only does he have a cool car and
website, he has generously volunteered to come help me look at the car this
weekend.  Thanks Brian!

-3rdly, let me add some detail that I forgot- while I am looking for a car
as a "daily driver", I am certainly going to keep my crappy old jeep- the
winters here are totally not appropriate for a TR4 (esp. given repair
downtime).  This will be a "fair weather summer daily driver"

-4thly- Ill summarize the emails ive been getting

4a- Everyone thinks the $6.5K red car with a few problems is more attractive
than the green $14K perfect car.  I completely agree

4b- Everyone thinks that all the little repairs (blinkers, oil leaks, dash
lights (the rheostat may just be turned down or shot)) are both
        a) not a very big deal 
        b) easy to do myself

4c- The high idle/dieseling/no choke control problem seems to have a couple
of different options-
        a) carbs need rebuilding
        b) choke control is not attached, is permanently "engaged" leading
to rich idle and run on.
        c) idle stop screws are not adjusted properly
        d) all/some of above

4d- The transmission funkiness (won't stay in 1st gear at stoplights, but
will when moving, 1st gear syncro not working) has a couple of options
        a) 1st gear clipy thingy (holds it in first) has disentegrated, and
is now migrating through the transmission, wreaking havoc, requiring a
        b) its a TR3 transmission, w/out 1st gear syncro.
        c) worn gearbox w/ 1st gear syncro shot, lots of play.
        c) clutch is improperly adjusted, and is not disengaging all the way
        d) some or all of above simultaneously

Brian and I are hopefullygoing to go visit the car again this weekend (after
I get to see his car), and hopefully I can update the list with what are
actual findings are.  My theory going in is that this car is a great deal
even w/ tranny and carb rebuilds, given its general super conditions.

Thanks for all your help!

Ill post a post-inspection answer as soon as I have them...


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