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O/D trouble shooting

To: <>
Subject: O/D trouble shooting
From: "Fred Thomas" <>
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 13:21:51 -0500
Just finished helping Tim McArtor install a 4 sync w/od in his 58 T/R3,
replaced the clutch assembly while we were in there, I have a bad handicap
when it comes to electricals, and sure enough the first test drive proved no
O/D, spent way too much time checking it out and found nothing, called it
quits last night about 7:00 and started again this am, same problem was
still there, again retraced every wire completly, tested the solenoid O/K,
still no O/D, finally called Dan Masters, 30 seconds and it's all over, I
really hate it when it takes him that length of time to know exactly what
the @#$% was wrong, Dan said disconnect the W-1 white wire from the relay
and run another wire directly from the relay to the fuse box, bingo, the
brand new wiring harness had a short in the white wire some place inside the
harness, 4 hours and 30 seconds, we now have a good O/D. How can you say
thank you to somebody like Dan Masters, or how can you pay him for 30
seconds of his time, this list and the people on it are just plain
"one-of-a-kind" Thanks D.M.  "FT"

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