In a message dated 22-Mar-01 15:14:28 Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> Thanks for all the comments on my new (old) TR4. I haven't seen the car
> title yet but I am told that it was definitely registered initially in '68
> as a TR4 (not TR4A). No big deal to me, I'm just glad to have one finally!
> Art Kelly also told me I have a '66 not a '68.
> I have to say I am supprised that IRS TR4's were built in '66. The trunk lid
> doesn't have any emblems on it so I just assumed it is IRS since it was a
> '68 (excuse me for calling it that, I haven't had it long enough to learn
> the "lingo" yet) . The car is also titled as a TR4, not a TR4A.
Dave, there are some significant differences between the TR4 and the TR4A.
In Jan '65 Triumph re-designed the TR4 to be IRS. In order to do that they
had to completely redesign the frame. But since they used enough parts from
the original TR4 design they decided not to redesignate the car as a TR5.
(The TR5/TR250 is a TR4A with a six cylinder engine and some other changes.)
The last TR4A was built on either the 10th or the 17th of July '67.
SOME other differences between the TR4 and the TR4A included putting the hand
brake lever in a different spot, changing the dash and the center console
configs, changing the bumpers and grill and putting the directional signals
on the front fenders on the TR4A. The camshaft is slighty different and the
radiator is bigger on the TR4A. The manifold was also changed and after CT
62191 (must have been a rigid axle - see below) the carburettors were SU's
rather than Zenith Strombergs. The convertible hood (top to us Yanks) is
also quite different. On the TR4 it comes completely off and is stored in
the boot. On the TR4A it is permanently attached.
As for the trunk logos, it would normally have TR4A and IRS both. But they
could have been stolen and/or replaced for some other reason. Some US TR4A's
were fitted with a rigid axle rather than IRS. They would not have the IRS
logo and they would have CTnnnnn rather than CTC nnnnn for a commission
Your explanation as to why the car was registered as a '68 seems logical.
But it was built in '66 and IMHO really is a '66. I can tell that from the
comm number. When you get ready to spend a few bucks I suggest that you get
Bill Piggott's book "Original Triumph TR4/4A/5/6." (ISBN 1-901432-04-1) It
is well worth having, in addition to the owner's manual, the Haynes manual
(good luck finding one of those) and the factory manual (or the Bentley
reprint of the latter). Congratulations and good luck, you will enjoy the
Art Kelly '64 TR4 CT 33118L (original owner/factory pickup)
VTR TR4 vehicle consultant
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