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Foot in mouth . . . self-flaming no LBC content

Subject: Foot in mouth . . . self-flaming no LBC content
From: "Tinker Mechanic" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 16:38:15 -0000 FILETIME=[7E2F17F0:01C0B2EE]
About my flaming comments last night. . .

I'd like to give my apologies to the list.

It was a case of the straw (my pet peeve about editing replies)that broke 
the camel's back.  (A long bad day)

When I went to bed still whining with my flame thrower on, my wife turned it 
on me.

She called me a hypocrite for sending my flame to the entire list and 
"wasting bandwidth" myself.

She then reminded me how I like the saying:
"Praise in public, Criticize in private"

Her last comments were "practice what you preach"
She's a smart lady.

I guess apologies should be public too.

Sorry for making a mountain out of a mole hill.



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