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Re: More math on the opening

To: pRob <>
Subject: Re: More math on the opening
From: David Massey <>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 19:00:51 -0500
Cc: "[unknown]" <>, " - *" <>
Message text written by pRob
>For those of us who are twelve year olds: a millimeter is roughly 1/25 of
an inch, so a square millimeter is ~1/600 (1/625th is closer, but makes
the math harder) of an inch. 58,000 is ~60,000.

This leads to 60,000/600, or 100 sq inches: a 10x10 inch opening.

All this without a calculator :)

Good for your!  It is good to be able to "ball-park" it even if you have a
calculator.  That way you can easily detect a slipped decimal point.

Dave (close enough)

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