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Re: In a perfect [Chevette] world

To: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>, Triumph <>
Subject: Re: In a perfect [Chevette] world
From: Steven Newell <>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 11:41:23 -0700
Organization: Crave Technology
References: <>
Randall Young wrote:

> Besides, the concept of damage insurance is to "make me whole" after a
> loss. It shouldn't matter that I owned the world's only perfectly restored 
> Chevy Chevette, if it was lost, it should be replaced (to the extent
> possible).

Hey, I thought I had the world's only perfectly restored Chevette.

Just kidding, though while half you guys got to enjoy TR6's as your
first car, guess what I was driving?  ;-)

Steven Newell
Denver, CO
'62 TR4

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