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Rear coil spring ideas

To: <>
Subject: Rear coil spring ideas
From: "John Day" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 09:37:57 -0500
Hi there, Listers. Since the forecast is for another 4 inches of snow tomorrow 
(just when I was beginning to get the hope I might see a blade of grass poke 
thru on my completely snow-covered lawn!), I still have some time to think of 
easy fix-its before the roads are driveable. The TR6 runs great (has for 21 
years), but feels like an old car (it turns 25 on May 3, 2001). My question is 
for any Listers who have replaced or upgraded their original TR6 rear coil 
springs. I was thinking of going to the uprated ones (NOT the competition ones 
- I do NOT want to reduce ride height!). Any thoughts on suppliers, part #'s, 
price, ride (it's a TR6, so it's only so comfortable anyway!). I ask this at 
the risk of starting a thread here (poly bushings, different trailing arm 
mounts, etc), but I'm game! Fire away! 

Cheers, JD (with salt-free roads by.......May???!!!)

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