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Re: Overdrive in Reverse? (looong, novella length even)

Subject: Re: Overdrive in Reverse? (looong, novella length even)
From: Randall Young <>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 16:22:24 -0800
Cc: Triumph Driver <>,
References: <> <>
Trevor Boicey wrote:
>   If your overdrive hydraulics are not leaking, the car will
> sit in overdrive for a while even when not moving, as long as
> the solenoid stays powered.

On the A-type OD, there is an accumulator that can hold pressure even
when the solenoid is not powered, sometimes for days.

The Sprag (or one-way) clutch ensures that the OD input shaft cannot
turn further clockwise (looking at the front of the unit) than the
output shaft.  This means the output shaft also cannot turn further CCW
than the input shaft.  However, in reverse OD, the OD gears force the
output shaft to turn further CCW than the input shaft.  Something's got
to give ...


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