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Re: Insurance Question

Subject: Re: Insurance Question
From: "" <>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 23:03:47 FILETIME=[DA860D60:01C0B0C8]
>From: "Dale Neidhammer" <>
>Reply-To: "Dale Neidhammer" <>
>To: "Triumph Mailing List" <>
>Subject: Insurance Question
>Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 16:11:50 -0600
>Good Afternoon, All,
>Just a quick question concerning insurance.  How do you all insure your
>cars?  I assume that "regular" insurance is _not_ the way to go.  I assume
>this due to "blue book" value versus actual market value.  Is there a
>"collector/classic car" insurance?

     This question pops up several times a year... There is "Classic
     Car" insurance. It varies from state to state, but generally it
     includes some sort of restriction on use or mileage...

     I insure my `4 year `round on my home/car insurance with a "stated
     value" policy. This required me to get someone to appraise the car
     for "replacement value" and send some photos of the car to the
     insurance company.

     This may not be the most cost effective way to go but, it certainly
     simpler for me. And that equates with cost in my book.Also, if I
     get a "wild hair" and want to go for a spin on New Year's eve, I
     don't have to call my insurance agent to get my policy activated.
     Nor do I need to worry if I'm getting close to the mileage limit on
     some of the "specialty policies"

Greg Petrolati Champaign, Illinois       1962 TR4 (CT4852L)

That's not a leak... My car's just marking its territory...


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