I've got into the old trap of not documenting well again.
I had all of my nuts and bolts all seperated nicely, but then I got them
replated and now I can't figure out what's what.
My question is regarding the fron fenders on a 74 TR6.
The roadster factory sells hardeware kits for these, but they do not match up
to what I had on my car. They have 14 ACME screws (the ones with the really
wide threads), but I know there were only 11 on my fenders. (can anyone
comment on that?). Also, they had 8 of the washers with one side cust off that
go on top of the fender. My car had only 7 per side. They did not include any
lockwashers, but my car had two different types of lockwashers (the problem is
I can't remember where they go now!)
There were also some fiber type washers. Where exactly do they go? I can't
figure out if they go between inner and outer fenders or if they go beneath
the washers with the side cut off (although the paint pattern on the washers
does not indicate that).
The roadster catalog is different yet.
Can anyone tell me how many screws, washers, etc, what type they are and how
they fit back one?
Thanks for your help!
/// triumphs@autox.team.net mailing list