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Re: TR3A commission number trivia (was Re: STC Title number information)

To: "Dave Quirt" <>, <>
Subject: Re: TR3A commission number trivia (was Re: STC Title number information)
From: "Fred Thomas" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 21:25:58 -0500
References: <> <>
My only question on this is who made the plates, I thought they were only
available with stamping from the factory, there has to be a record of all
cars made and all cars shipped, how can you change the I.D. plates, have any
of you ordered a BMHT certificate and compared the I.D. numbers, could
settle this very quickly. "FT"
> This stuff about the STC number reminds me of similar mods done to TR3A
> commission numbers in Ontario (and perhaps in other provincces/states).
> My December/60 TR3A has a '2' stamped immediately in front of the
> commission number giving: 2TS 81140 L. A buddies TR3A (also from
> December/60) also has this stamping giving 2TS 81541 L.
> My December/59 TR3A has no such stamping and remains TS 63307 LO. I have
> interpreted the '2' stamping to represent the year of original sale of
> the car. This would fit with the stories of the many unsold TR3As
> sitting around in '61 and '62.
> Dave Q.

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