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Special deal on Battery Saver

Subject: Special deal on Battery Saver
From: "Andrew H. Litkowiak" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 19:51:00 -0600
Hi Gang,

Today, I grabbed an opportunity to serve my fellow

I've been looking into purchasing a "Priority Start" battery
preserver. This little gizmo installs on the positive side of your
battery and monitors output while the ignition switch is in the off
position. If the unit detects voltage at or below 12 volts (or 24), it
automatically disconnects power until the ignition switch is turned

If you leave your headlights on, or an interior light, or CB or some
other drain, the unit will prevent the battery from draining and
leaving you stuck wherever. Or, if you just haven't had time to track
down that last little dead short, this gizmo will prevent the battery
from pooching while your vehicle sits in the garage.

NICOR, our local gas utility, uses these devices on every vehicle in
their fleet. They are very happy with the reduction in roadside
service calls required when workers leave lights on, etc. It also
saves them money on battery purchases.

The units are available in standard 12 volt, 24 volt, marine 12 volt,
an a "Pro" 12 volt version designed for vehicles with extra power
hungry accessories. I ordered the Pro for my vehicles. 

I searched the web for the best price I could find, and then called
the vendor. Since I was buying units for all my vehicles, I asked for
a discount. Hey, you don't ask, you don't get. Lo and behold, the
owner, Andy Anderson, said yes. I was about to hang up after
concluding the transaction when I had a brain fart.

What about the List?

So, I talked to Andy about the possibility of offering the discount to
the list members. I told him it would likely be in sales of one or
two, but the sheer number of list participants would certainly
generate enough business to justify a discount. Again, he agreed.

Here's the deal. If you order online, insert the word "Triumph" or
"British Car" in any blank line in the order form. The same is true if
you fax an order. If you order over the phone, let the salesperson
know you're a Triumph list member and ask for the discount.

The discount is 5%. It may not seem like a huge savings, but it will
probably cover most or all of the shipping. On top of that, I believe
I have found the lowest price out there for these units. Andy is
already offering the Priority Start at almost 30% below list price.
And, if it saves you from having to pay for a jump start or towing
charge, the unit just paid for itself.

Anyway, here's the web site

I've also included the manufacture's site for price comparison

I'm not affiliated in any way, nor am I getting any compensation or
percentages from these sales. I just thought it would be a good idea,
and fortunately, so did the vendor.

Happy Shopping.

Andy Litkowiak

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