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Manuals and HCTC

To: <>
Subject: Manuals and HCTC
From: "Dale Neidhammer" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 07:38:25 -0600
Posted-date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 07:40:42 -0600 (CST)
Good Morning, All,
Well, I am continually amazed at this list and the people I meet who are
associated with these LBCs.  The response I received on my manuals post was
incredible.  Every response also pointed out that this list is the _most_
valuable source of help, guidance, education, and patience that most have
seen.  In fact, one individual even commented that if it came down to
affording one book or Internet access, he would choose 'net access due to
this list's past help.  Pretty amazing stuff isn't it?  Be proud you all,
you have done something special here.
I also wanted to pass on to the list that I met a great bunch of people last
night at the monthly gathering of the Hill Country Triumph Club here in
Austin, TX.  What a cast.  I can see that these folks are going to be a
blast to hang around with.  Got a great deal of information and numerous
offers for help in finding a car.  Should have the final $$ secured in the
next 6-8 weeks.  Still would like to find a TR4A or TR6.
Once again, thanks to you all on this great list.
Dale Neidhammer

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