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Re: OT - Great Story (long)

To: "Kurt" <>, " TR list" <>
Subject: Re: OT - Great Story (long)
From: TeriAnn Wakeman <>
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 01 09:57:39 -0800
>Well, back in the old days there was nothing less valuable than an old 
>race car and the Daytonas were sold off after Shelby stopped racing. These 
>cars were sold for anywhere from $4500 to $6500 between 1965 and 1967. 
>Don't you wish you were smart enough to pick up one of those puppies back 

In '67 I was working at my first job for a whopping $400/month (A living 
wage back then).  One of the people who shared the house I was in took 
road and track.  There were a few times I looked through the cars for 
sale section of his magazines.  I drooled at several European race cars 
that were no longer competitive in the $3-4K area.  As I remember an old 
Testarosa was a bit cheaper.  As much as I would have liked a pretty 
ex-works car with 12 downdraft Weber venturis centered between a pair of 
red valve covers, $3500 or so was just too much $$$ for me.  

I did look at a double bubble Fiat Arbarth that was for sale locally for 
$1000.   I decided against it because I thought it would require too much 
maintenance and the price was right at the max of what I could afford.

However someone at work did pick up an Astin Martin DB2R for $300.  It 
had belonged to this fellow who went to Canada instead of Vietnam.  His 
parents sold the car because it was taking up space in the garage.  To 
them it was just one of those funny British sports cars that were all 
over the place.  They priced it at $300 because it would not start.  The 
car had old gas and a dead battery.  The new owner used the DB2R as a 
commute car.  He didn't replace the battery right away.  So it spent it's 
days sitting outside my openable window at work with an extension cord 
going out to a battery charger.

I wish I had a larger income back then.

TeriAnn Wakeman               Marigold Ltd.
Santa Cruz, California        Web design, site updating, testing      search engine optimization, graphics
                              and more

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