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Re: Getting a UK number plate

To: <>
Subject: Re: Getting a UK number plate
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 20:46:56 -0000
Cc: "Triumph List" <>
Huw Upshall wrote:
I've got a RHD triumph here that originally came from the UK.  Is
there a
way, knowing the commission number, to figure out what it's number

Go pay a visit to
This is the website for the vehicle licensing system for the UK. There
seem to be lots of links and almost certainly there;ll be an email
facility for queries. If you've already got the chassis number, there
is every reason to think they'll have the original number recorded.
Whether they'll release it to you is open to speculation - Data
Protection Act and all that garbage. I've come up against their
bureaucracy more than once in the past where an entirely legitimate
query such as yours is met with silence. However, you may get lucky.
Be prepared to stump up a CC# as a search fee. These guys like the
'crackle of a banknote' - even if it is plastic<g>
Others with ex UK cars may find this useful.
I do know some listers have cars delivered in the UK under the
Personal Export Scheme and if they have a Heritage Certificate
confirming this, the car's licence number will be recorded on it, so a
visit to the website above will be unnecessary. The thing to look for
are the second and third letters of the leading three letter group. If
these are any of VC, HP, DU, RW, KV, WK - these will confirm the
original number was a Coventry issue.


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