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Currency Converter

To: "Spitfire List (E-mail)" <>, "Triumph List (E-mail)" <>
Subject: Currency Converter
From: "Greg Hendrix" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 21:31:00 -0500

I am generally in the lurk mode, but came across a pretty slick tool that'll
help you price up that next Rimmer's order, or for our soul brothers up in
the Great White North (Canada) making their purchases in the UK or US,
here's a web link you may find useful. Heck, it basically converts most
common currency at the prevailing exchange rate to another in most parts of
the world. The link is: and offers
other helpful things for those who travel abroad.

I'm sure there are others that do the same thing, but this one seemed pretty
slick. For you web site efficionado's, they even offer a link for you to add
to your site.

Greg Hendrix
Downingtown, PA
80 Spitfire (about to get a total interior makeover, thanks to the Winter
Madness sales!)

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