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Costco run yields 2 TR6s, overfull TR4

To: Triumph <>
Subject: Costco run yields 2 TR6s, overfull TR4
From: Steven Newell <>
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2001 08:46:44 -0700
Organization: Crave Technology
My Sunday afternoon Costco* run here in south Denver with
my 2 year old boy netted a maxed out boot and rear bench
seat -- and my first TR spottings in a long time. A white TR6
heading north on University @ Dry Creek in Littleton, and
a red TR6 with black stripe leaving a store next to Costco.
Maybe there was a club event? Anyway, despite the excellent
hauling capacity** of my TR4, I was unable to convince Pam
that she should trade in the Discovery on another Triumph.

*Costco is a membership warehouse store, similar to Sam's
Club or... well, I don't know what would compare overseas.
**megapack 15 paper towel rolls, 8 kleenex boxes, several
cases of juice boxes, several more gallons juice, giant box
of diapers, etc.
Steven Newell
Denver, CO
'62 TR4 (black/red)

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