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Logic overdrive device

To: "Mike Kitchener" <>
Subject: Logic overdrive device
From: David Massey <>
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 10:01:15 -0500
Cc: "[unknown]" <>
Message text written by "Mike Kitchener"
>The advert states :
"Logic overdrive switching device . Allows fast overdrive operation . 
Overdrive cannot be left in inadvertently , reducing strain on the 
overdrive . When changing gear with the overdrive left engaged , 
overdrive drops out automatically. Fits all electrically operated 
overdrives ."
The main advantage that I can see is if you need to down-change 
quickly when running in overdrive then the overdrive will cut out and 
stay out .
Also it would be possible to use all seven gears easily from a 
standing start to overdrive top.....could be fun but superfluous ?
All comments welcome .

My opinion?  I won't buy one.  I can see down shifting from 4th O/D to
third and winding up in thrid direct.  This is equivilant to a two gear
downshift which is too rare an occurance to warrant spending money on a
device that will trip you up at other times.  What I would prefer is a
device that will hold in O/D during 3 - 4 and 4 -3 gear changes.  This way
the O/D will not be disengaging - re-engaging each time.  An additional
feature is if the OD lockout switches remain off for more than a second
THEN the O/D is locked out (assuming the switch is inadvertantly left on
after coming to a stop).  And of course the dash mounted (stalk mounted on
4's & 6's) will drop out the O/D instantly as desired.

Just my opinion.

Dave Massey

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