Yes Christopher , I guess it takes all sorts to make the world go round .
Kind regards .
Chris de Wet .
TSCC ( SA ) membership number : 356 .
'56 TR 3 ( TS 10795 ) + '64 Spitfire 4 Mk 1 ( FC 25680 ) .
PO Box 472 , Ifafi , 0260 , South Africa .
Telephone : 012-3398071 ( office ) or 012-2591129 ( home ) .
Cellphone : 083 9989744 .
Projects : '62 Herald 1200 Coupe , '65 Herald 12/50 ( convertible ) ,
'63 Spitfire 4 Mk 1 , '64 Spitfire 4 Mk 1 , '66 Spitfire 4 Mk 2 .
-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Ball []
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 4:19 PM
To: 'TRs Roadster list'
Subject: All types
Big sigh. You know, people like this are a test, are they not? They are for
me anyway. I'm 45 years old and these folks can still send me into a right
state. I tell my self that I'm an idiot to help people out like this, to
trust them with parts, tools, books. Never again. Piss off !
Eventually I realize that I can't go through life any other way. It would be
too impoverished a life, and over and over again I have seen that you reap
what you sow. I've received the kindness of strangers often. I've seen real
bastards finally have it come full circle and bite their butts. I only wish
that I could get to the point where I could just say " yup - there's another
one" and have it take only five seconds of my time. Have them pass by like a
bad smell.
I while back I had a fellow ask about putting a new top on his TR3A. His
car was not quite right in places for a stock unit.
Well - I told him to drop by and I'd look at it. Ended up putting the whole
thing on for him. We were on the last three snaps at the windshield when he
said " oh for crying out loud, this is taking for ever ! My kids have Scouts
you know. I'll finish it myself". He was gone without a thank you. Never saw
him again. (hey - he's a doctor. Too busy to say thanks, too poor to buy a
A few years later he must have cleaned out his garage and got out of "the
car thing". Dumped the most rusted out pile of useless shit in the middle of
my driveway. Atleast I think it was him. It just appeared and later I saw
someone else driving his car.
Right now I'm in an office where nice guys will truly finish last - but only
if you are playing the game. So, after 15 years or moving up through my
profession, I'm easing off the throttle - feeling the parade pass me by -
letting go of the rope.
The "real achievers" will grin, talk about "not having it" , and "going
soft". Ok - hasta la vista rats - run like crazy. I'm going back to the head
space I was in twenty years ago. Less stuff - more time. Clear conscience.
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