The implementation in Sweden was a marvel of Scandinavian
genius. After long informational campaign, the change took place
all at once at 1 PM on the given day. Just prior to this time,
all traffic stopped, the signals were given (church bells, sirens),
and everyone moved over to the other side of the road. I saw
a movie of the switch taken from a tall building. It bore
the typical Swedish hallmarks of level-headed careful planning
and concentrated execution.
On Sun, 18 Feb 2001 20:35:22 -0700 Geo Hahn <>
> David Massey wrote:
> > ....But you
> > can't lay all the blame at our feet as most of the rest of the
> world also
> > drives on the right. All of Europe save the British Isles, all of
> the
> > western hemisphere save a few small islands in the Carribean.
> I was told that driving on the right on the Continent was mostly due
> to Napoleon
> imposing this on areas he conquered. I'm not sure how the US ended
> up on the
> right though I think Henry Ford is generally credited with putting
> the steering
> wheel consistently on the left.
> ISTR that for many years Sweden had LHD cars but drove on the left
> -- then
> converted to driving on the right... guess that wouldn't have been a
> phased
> implementation!
> Geo Hahn
> 59 TR3A
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