Hi Everybody!
I haven't posted anything in a few days, so since I had fun today, I thought
I'd share it!
After long thought, and a "tip off" by a photo of a later Spitfire accelerator
linkage, I worked out how to connect my early Spitfire SU's to the accelerator
cable setup in the Herald. Using 2 line clamps, and a 1/4" rod, I fashioned a
relay bar and lever which went along the side of the intake, and then mounted
a long lever arm(removed earlier from the carb linkage itself, as there was a
long set and a short one) roughly in the middle. I worked this all together,
and came up with a fairly decently operating linkage.
Finishing at 5am Saturday, I went to bed, then to work, but when I got home, I
pulled the car out of the garage- the first time in years she has truly moved
under her own power! I drove up and down the driveway about a half a dozen
times, even managed to hit 2nd gear a couple! (Sorta like practicing carrier
landings- up to 2nd, then stop before I hit the garage!) Finally I am able to
control the vehicle from within!
Well, I discovered that the brakes are dragging, still. I had one (l/r) bound
up the other day, and pulled apart and cleaned the wheel cylinder. I am pretty
sure other cylinders may be experiencing the same problem- crap buildup from
sitting, etc. not allowing the piston to properly return after actuation. When
I pull the body off(to get it redi-stripped) I will drain and flush the
brakes, and clean all the cylinders, etc. That should set it right.
Also, I hear the t/o bearing rumbling after I take my foot off the clutch- I
suspect the slave cylinder may need cleaning as well...
Any suggestions what I should use to flush out the lines with? Non-aerosol
Brake-kleen poured through is my main idea. Also, is there much advantage to
using silicone brake fluid? I am going to be using this as a second/third
daily driver, and need reliability.
Last question- What color should my frame be? Right now it is BRG, but the car
will be blue, and I understand the frames were not body color- Would black be
As soon as I find a free host, I will be posting pics of the
project(homepage.com does not seem to want to work)
Thanks for any replies/ suggestions,
64 Herald 1200 Convertible- about to do its "Gypsy Rose Lee" impression...
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