In a message dated 2/11/01 3:38:20 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
> I am simply going to ignore this email but if more happens to come is there
Just ignore the angry non winning bidder..EBAY clearly states that you have
from the time the auction STARTS til the auction ENDS to place a bid, whether
it be at the first second or the last second. He's just mad because you know
how to bid the only way you can win on EBAY anymore..It's unfortunate that we
have to bid like that(at the last second) to win anything...But thats the
only way you'll win anything on there anymore....Dont worry, I got an e-mail
like that when i first learned the"way" to win... like you did, but haven't
gotten anymore..I wouldn't worry about it at all, just go on bidding....Take
Paul Seedoff
75 TR6
"Without EBAY, what the heck would I do for unusual car parts for my TR??"
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