Well, I seem to have rebuilt my HS-2's correctly, as well as my "adaptions" I
modified a Herald 1250 exhaust to work with the dual carb intake- this was
easily accomplished by cutting at an angle across the cast in mountings for
the original single intake. I have a 4-2-1 Spitfire manifold(header) which I
will be getting repaired, and will have the proper intake support, which my
adaption lacks- I figure for the time being, while I am only doing garage
testing and not driving anywhere, it should be fine without the supports. I
could always drill and tap the manifold and add a bracket structure I guess if
Yesterday, I took the HS-2's down, cleaned them, polished the heavily
deposited(read "cruddy") fuel bowls and piston vacuum chamber, and rebuilt
them, using only the Factory manual as a guide, and built my own gaskets.
About 6:30 this morning I finished mounting the little beauties.... Not having
proper springs, I secured a pair this afternoon.
Well, after fitting the springs, I found I needed a proper choke connection.
This I accomplished by some heavy modification a part from one of the original
Solex spares. Now, I have a working choke setup. (This is actually called the
"Mixture Control")
Time to wind her up and make some noise.
I was worried about all the setup stuff for the HS-2's- I've heard they can be
a bugger....But, within a few turns, with a little throttle, and a lot of
choke(what else is new- she won't start without a choke for me, no matter what
I do!) I got a sweet sound of a purring engine. Much sweeter than the Solex
ever was! I looked in the chambers of the HS-2's, and kicked the throttle
lever a few times- the pistons jumped in perfect harmony- beautifully
synchronized...Now to fill the oil dampers, and see how they respond loaded.
Do that, check it out some more, and throw on the dual air cleaners. More
testing, and setup.
What a GREAT sound!
64 Herald 1200 Convertible, now with a Sexy brunette voice.....
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