> I recently signed up with my local Vocational Technical School
> adult class on 'Antique Auto Body Repair'. The course is centered
> around "bring a project in, and use our equipment and work on it".
My Dad and I are doing the same same in Coldwater Michigan... 3 hours a
week, 16 weeks, $170 a semester, no further charges (within reason - I can
prime anything and everything, but to paint the entire thing will probably
incur some additional charge for materials)...
I am in the second "semester" and have completed 3 fenders (dent repaired
and primed), one seat frame, two doors are works in progress, the TR2 front
apron is also a work in progress and I believe I'll be priming the bonnet
next week.
I have several photos to add to my deliquent web site (which has moved
"in-house" - so I expect this to improve update times).
I can only say that if you have a VocEd facility in your community, find out
if they offer a similiar body shop class.... It is indeed the best way to
have access to professional equipment without incurring the professional
Phil Pattengale
54 TR2 - TS1440-LO {project #1}
56 TR3 - TS13872-L {project #2}
56 TR3 - TS11820-L {Dad's}
56 TR3 - TS9169-LO {Anyone seen this car? - Last seen in Missouri in 1964}
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