In a message dated Fri, 2 Feb 2001 10:25:24 AM Eastern Standard Time, Susan
Tucker <> writes:
<< A couple of responses to my web page post commented that the bumper bar is
"fairly rare." I have not seen one of those other than the one that is on my
car. So how "rare" are they?... >>
Susan, that bar likely was made by American Carry-All Products Co., usually
better known as AMCO, and was essentially a "factory-approved" accessory
usually available through and fitted by the dealer. Of course, they were also
available through AMCO and the many companies that sold the AMCO line. There is
a picture of a TR4 with the "Front Bumper Guard" in a circa 1964 "Triumph
Accessories" brochure, which was reprinted in VTR's _The Vintage Triumph_ issue
#69, Summer 1998.
There was also a bar for the TR4A, but it was quite different in mounting.
AFAIK, it would NOT fit the TR4 owing to the difference in location of the
"stock" bumper overriders.
Andrew Mace, President, The Vintage Triumph Register
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