Your experience is exactly like what i am experiencing. I'll take a closer
look at that, since I can't find anything loose; such as loose diff mounts
or shocks. I want to thank all who responded to my question.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2001 9:38 PM
Subject: rear end clunk
> Al,
> I chased a clunk around in the rear of my 71 TR6 for years and years. I
> changed all the typical items, but without any luck. My clunk occurred
> often after backing up, shifting into first and releasing the clutch. Last
> year I finally found it. The inner flange would move just slightly on the
> inner axle shaft resulting in the clunk. I changed the entire flange, axle
> and bearing assembly with and extra one that I had laying around. I have
> taken it apart yet but I suspect the problem lies in the keyway.
> Good Luck finding your clunk.
> Mark
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