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A Rose by any other name?

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: A Rose by any other name?
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 23:06:13 -0000
It would appear  that our august moderator and juggler of posts has
seen fit of recent (?) times to accord himself a new title.
It appears he is now appends the epithet 'List Janitor' to his name as
the header to each digest.
Perhaps Mr. Bradakis is unaware that within the UK, we broadly
understand a 'janitor' to be someone who undertakes the
necessary though possibly not mentally stimulating or rewarding job of
keeping things clean - usually washrooms, and in particular the floors
thereof in the immediate vicinity of 'essential installations.'
On the assumption that Mr Bradakis is in blissful ignorance on this
point, perhaps he might like to consider re-appraising what he calls
At the risk of being accused of unnecessary pedantry, perhaps he's
more than happy with the US interpretation and is content to leave
things as they are. However, every time I open a new digest and see
'List Janitor' against his name, I can't help but now see Mark in a
new role as 'the mopper-up of Triumphant splashes on the floor?'
I feel reasonably confident that Mr. Bradakis would not ideally prefer
to be seen in this light, even if it is an irreverent and
light-hearted perspective with no malice intended, but .........
Hopefully, he might like to reconsider a rapid return to Square One
from days of yore as a 'moderator' - or does he have specific reasons
of which I am entirely unaware to accord himself this new 'handle'?


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