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Re: Rare dealer spitfire option on Ebay!

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Rare dealer spitfire option on Ebay!
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 16:49:31 EST
Cc: <>
In a message dated Wed, 24 Jan 2001  4:29:40 PM Eastern Standard Time, Barry 
Schwartz <> writes:

<< [Amco Grill on Ebay]...I myself can't see how it would look correct on any 
Spitfire.  My own grills
from both a 1960's vintage and my 1972 are both FULL width....Anybody seen on 
mounted on a vehicle?  I'd like to see it.... >>

Barry, this is what Triumph advertised as the "Vista" grille, and it really is 
intended for the Spitfire 4 and Mk 2 only, although it MIGHT work -- sort of -- 
on a Mk3. If you'd like to see it fitted, I can scan a picture. Or maybe Joe 
Curry's got a photo he can share or point to?

At one point, I think this particular grille was "recommended for racing 
purposes...." (better cooling, perhaps?)


Andrew Mace, President, The Vintage Triumph Register

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