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RE: Trans Modification ?

To: TRlist <>
Subject: RE: Trans Modification ?
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 14:49:42 -0800
Pat :

I assume you are talking about the cross bolt modification that keeps the
taper pin from breaking.  It's been written up numerous times, but I don't
know of any on-line at the moment.  I believe it was in Bob Schaller's "More
BS on TRs", which may still be available from TRF.  I know it's in "Tech
Talk #3" which is definitely available from the Triumph Register of Southern
California :

TRSC Regalia
c/o Dick Ames
27301 Via Roja
Mission Viejo, CA 92691

Last I checked, the price was $15, but it may have gone up.  Profits go to
benefit the club, which I am a member of.  (Please buy lots, they are
gathering funds to put on Triumphest later this year, and need all the help
they can get.)  I believe Tech Talk #1 and #2 are also still available.


 Pat wrote :
> I know there is a modification needed to be done on my TR3 trans,
> I know it
> has something to do with a bolt that is tapped in to the rod that connects
> up with the slave... ?
> But I don't know where to go to get a tech article on how to do this.

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