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Re: road trips

To: <>
Subject: Re: road trips
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 10:15:43 EST
I recall riding with Bob Lang in his TR6 from Albany, NY, to Fort Worth, Texas 
and back for the 1997 VTR Convention. By the second day, we'd put the top up 
and left door windows and the zip-out rear window down...mostly because we'd 
both have looked like "Bobsta the Lobsta" even without costumes. ;-)

As for the hearing thing, I've also a moderate loss of hearing in my left ear. 
The specialist who checked that out for me surmised that I'd been spending too 
many years riding with the driver's door window down; must have had quite the 
cumulative effect. Apparently the problem is not limited to top-down cars....

Funny thing is, back in high school I once spent a miserable evening at a 
"Battle of the Bands" actually sitting in front of one band's drum set to 
prevent it sliding off the small platform he'd been alotted. That was my right 
ear facing the drums, but it never had any lasting effect. Go figure.

--Andy...I said ANDY Mace

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