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Engine knock

To: <>, <>
Subject: Engine knock
From: "Fred Bassett" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 12:14:13 +0700
...snip...Only concern is that the engine is sure noisey when it is first
started --
it's been in the 20s fahrenheit in the morning, which is pretty chilly for
us.  There is a definite knock which begins to disappear after about 30
seconds.  Doesn't come back after the engine has been running, like the
original bearing knock that would start after the engine warmed up.  And the
oil pressure comes up right away, even when the car is cold.

>From your description, I would suspect piston to cylinder clearance.  We used
to call this morning sickness, as it would always go away when the engine
warmed up.  This is a result of the piston(s) expanding to a better fit in the
cylinder, since the piston and block expand a different rates.

All the best,

Fred Bassett
Jakarta, Indonesia

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