>I can not seem to find a standard location to mount the windscreen washer
>bottle for my nearly completed TR3A restoration.
>Should the bottle go under the dash or under the bonnet.
Your top mounting screw hole (TR3A & 3B) is located 6-1/2" out from the
edge of the shelf bend on the bulkhead, 6" down from the inner edge of
the wing mount flange. Use your mounting bracket to to locate the lower
THe tube is routed in front of the battery to a hole near the voltage
regulator. I added a hose clamp for my washer tube using the same screw
that holds the speedometer clamp in front of the battery.
The Triumph section of my personal web site has a TS60000 & later TR3A
bulkhead hole pattern with the uses for each hole. It shows which hole
the tube was rounted through.
Will get you to my Triumph section. Scroll down the contents page until
you get to the link for bulkhead hole identification.
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