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RE: carbon canister/emissions related

Subject: RE: carbon canister/emissions related
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 18:48:35 -0800
Sujit :

The carbon canister is designed to trap gasoline (petrol) fumes when the
engine is not running, and store them until the engine is started (when it
releases them into the intake manifold to be burned).  They come in
different versions for different cars, some have as many as 4 or 5 pipes
(not counting the air vent in the bottom).  The difference between 2 or 3
pipes may, or may not, be significant, depending on the application.  (I'm
not familiar with the smog control systems on a Stag, but if you can tell me
what the 3 pipes are connected to, I can take a guess at whether a 2 pipe
canister would work.)

In general, removing the tank will not harm the performance of the car
(although it is illegal in the USA).  Identify the lines that have vacuum
and cap them, leave the vent lines open to the air.


sujit roy wrote :
> What is the purpose of the carbon canister? I have three pipes
> going into my
> canister, I've seen two pipe versions.  Is there much of a difference?
> Can I remove it, along with the other related stuff for emission
> controls of
> my CA,'71 Stag.
> Do other Triumph of the same vintage have an extra gas tank in the trunk
> related to the emissions?  If I can remove the tank without affecting the
> performance of the car, what pipes do I direct where?

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