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TR6 pin stripes

To: "''" <>
Subject: TR6 pin stripes
From: Charlie Frazer <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 01:14:44 -0800
Thanks to several of you who have provided helpful info on rear axle
Here's a cosmetics question about my '71 TR6:
        Did all TR6s have pin stripes?  As I look at "Original TR4/4A/5/6"
it's difficult to tell if all TR6s had them, or just some.  Since the book
shows primarily British cars, there may be some differences from USA models.
Or, maybe the stripes just show up better in pictures against high contrast
colors like BRG(?)
        Anyway, I'm trying to figure out what 's right on my Jasmine yellow
1971.  What's the width and approximate start/end points on the body?  Or,
are these right for this car?
Thank you for any suggestions.
Charlie Frazer

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