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Subject: Electrics
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2001 12:51:26 EST

I apologize in advance for the following questions which could have been 
avoided had I just taken photos or made better notes. I am about to get into 
the area I know the least about (Whew! That's saying something.) -- the 
electrics -- on the 65 4A. Over the last year and a half or two I've lost a 
little of my intimidation in this area thanks to this list but now it's time 
to actually get into this. When I dismantled the car, I think I kept the 
disruption of the system to a minimum. I cut a few wires at the very front 
and back (taillights and a couple to the headlights and running and parking 
lights) and those will be spliced (even I can do that). The rest I left 
intact and for the most part connected, The connections I separated, I marked 
so that should be ok. I should note that, at the time, the electrics worked 
okay except for the ignition key which needed jiggling at best to sometimes 
make the connection. That (will) be something I need to resolve but first:
- Is it possible/acceptable/advisable/safe to just hook up the 
solenoid/starter to turn the engine over? If so, how? Just connect the 
battery terminals and let 'er rip? Any precautions?  Do I need to reconnect 
the whole system or can I set something up where I can get power to the 
starter without completely reconnecting the wiring throughout the car. 
- Horns. I have one from the 64 TR4 parts car and a new one from Moss. The 
one from the car has two spade receptors on it and the new one has four. How 
What's the relay (I presume that's what it is) that sits behind the passenger 
side horn? It has four wires going into it from the harness and those weren't 
disconencted except briefly (and recently) to spray a little touch up on it. 
I've reconnected to the generator and have a single spade connector left over 
with two wires that appear to be the same color running into it. I can't tell 
the color but it's goldish or maybe even just dingy white. But the horn on 
that side has two spade receptors and I only have that single connector left 
to connect to anything. 
Also, on the driver's side of the engine compartment (left hand drive) I have 
two wires that I believe go to the horn but, as I said, the new horn from 
Moss has four connectors on it. Does it matter which two receptors I connect 
the wires to?
Now for real stupidity. Sitting on top of the engine (placed there 
unconnected to anything by me so long ago I don't remember where I took it 
from and thus where it goes.) It's a single piece of wire about six inches 
long with loop connectors on each end -- one larger than the other. I can't 
even tell you if this was on the car to begin with or added later. Or for 
what reason. Does this sound like anything? It's appears to be a simple 
connection or ground perhaps. Any ideas?

65 4A

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