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Another question

To: <>
Subject: Another question
From: "Mike Smith" <>
Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2001 10:05:31 -0500
Firstly, thanks to everyone who helped out with answers on the TR3A minimum 
brake rotor thickness - as luck(?) would have it, mine are just under spec and 
will have to be replaced - naturally with the $90 versions, as opposed to the 
later $30 ones -go figure.

What I was wondering, having had great success with the methods of piston 
removal from the calipers gleaned from the list, as to whether there were any 
suggestions as to the simplest way of budging Silentbloc links from the 
steering arm. Mine seem to be pretty firmly attached, and before I resort to 
the torch......

Many thanks again to the list - waht a great resource when you've got 17000 
pieces spread out all over the house.


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