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BMIHT Cert. & Apology Mr. Mcartney

To: <>
Subject: BMIHT Cert. & Apology Mr. Mcartney
From: "Blubaugh" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2000 15:50:17 -0600
A public letter to Mr. John Mcartney:

Dear Mr. Mcartney,

It is my earnest hope that you have not taken offense to the statement in
my posting to the Triumph list server:

"I hope and I actually do belive that the folks doing the factory archive
work are more honest and thorough than some British Genealogists I

Please understand that I meant no offense and if you are offended I do
apologise.  I really DO BELIEVE that the staff of BMIHT do their very best
at reporting, with the greatest possible accuracy, the details of
production on British automobiles.  Without exception, ALL of my encounters
with British citizens who are British car enthusiasts have been with
reliable, honorable, and trustworthy individuals.  (There have been a  few
exceptions among fellow AMERICANS who share the same interest and I could
not use the word ALL for them as I did in my previous sentence.)

Social consciousness seemed to be a more prominent aspect of British
curture than it is in American culture.  At least this was my impression
during the years I lived in London.  My experience at overhearing an
expression of intent to report false or inaccurate genealogical information
by researchers at The Society of Genealogists certainly diminished my trust
and respect for British Genealogists, especially those who do research for
a fee.  I also viewed these individuals as "neo-hi brows" or "upper crusts"
who did not have much respect for working class folks.  They gave the
impression that any Americans who were "worthy" would just come to London
and do their own research. (Their general misconception of Americans was
that we were all filthy rich and could just fly to London on a whim.)  My
impression of British folks who work to preserve the heritage of the
British Motoring Industry is entirely opposite and that they are practical,
"down to earth," honest, hard working people. I believe that  NO ONE from
The Society of Genealogist would monitor a list such as the Triumph list
and regularly offer, free to everyone,  the kind of informed, helpful, and
thoughtful information that you frequently provide.

With regard to my level of confidence in the content of the Heritage
Certificates, I am entirely confident that the report is as complete and as
accurate as the surrviving records would allow.  We all know that the
records have gaps and imperfections, but I am thankful that they are being
preserved and maintained and are being made available to enthusiasts and
owners of surrivving cars.  BTW, one of my expressed doubts about my own
car (the colour) is fast fading.  While removing the transmission cover in
preparation for engine / transmission removal, I think I have spotted a
faint fragment of original "black" paint on the cabin side of the firewall.

Again, if my comments of "surprise" about the contents of my BMIHT
Certificate were offending, I surely did not mean to offend.  Please accept
my apology.  I am thankful for and appreciative of the services you and
your colleagues provide.

Respectfully yours,

Rob Blubaugh
Rensselaer, Indiana, USA
55 Triumph TR2 (August 18, 1955) #TS7690

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