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RE: Forwarded message

To: "'Randall Young'" <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Subject: RE: Forwarded message
From: "Westerdale, Bob" <>
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 16:39:49 -0500
Cc: Triumphs <>
You also have to be careful with the antenna ground.  If you mount the
modern neg grounded radio on a block of insulation,in a Pos ground car, make
the correct power connections, and hook up the antenna, the antenna shield
will light up and remind you to use a fuse in Both leads for  the next radio
you buy, and cut a notch in the antenna line shielding.  
BTDT.  ( Long ago,,,)
Bob Westerdale
Neg. grd 59 3A.  
Broiled Radio for sale.  

Joe :

Modern units are smaller, and don't require ground isolation.  (IF you can
completely isolate the ground, you don't need a converter at all, just an

JCW lists one that is a 1.25" cube, rated 50watts continuous at 12v.

Still a poor solution, IMO.  Much better to convert to negative ground.

59 TR3A daily driver - with negative ground

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joe Curry
> Yes, they do.  However, the box is big and bulky and difficult to
> hide.  Plus it isn't all that powerful and if your radio pulls much
> current tends to cut out.  Finally, to use such a device, you have to
> fully insulate the grounding of your radio so that it does not
> short out.

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