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Re: viewing news groups

Subject: Re: viewing news groups
From: Randall Young <>
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2000 15:20:23 -0800
References: <>
Joe :

Netscape Communicator is a combination mail client, browser and
newsgroup reader for the Wintel architecture.  You may already have it,
or can download it free from .

NFI, just a user ...

I was under the impression that Eudora (the mail client you're using)
also had a newsgroup (USENET) client, but I could be mistaken.


"Joseph R. Schneider" wrote:
> Triumphant ones:
> back before I crossed over to the dark (Wintel) side, I used to look at
> news groups using my Mac with some news reading utility that the university
> had supplied with its suite of net applications for the Mac- now that I'm
> on a Wintel machine, it occurred to me that I hadn't looked at the news
> groups where I used to find cars (as I recall, something on the order of
> the suite of net applications supplied by Northwestern for
> Wintel machines doesn't seem to have anything whose name suggests it's
> there to look at news groups, is this done with the browser these days? how
> do I view (and, I suppose, post) to these things now?
> thanks
> Joe

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